Dr. Godwin Ogbole [MBBS, FMCR, FWACS (Radiology), MSc. Epid, MRP (Radiology Physics), MSCI (Clinical Investigation)], a Reader in the Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI) is the Principal Investigator of a Team that has been awarded a Silicon Valley Grant under the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to build a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) network in African Countries.
In the news article in which this award was announced, https://chanzuckerberg.com/imaging/strengthening-mri-education-research-in-african-countries/ the dearth of skilled human resource on the African Continent for MRI technology was highlighted as well as the potential for investments into MRI technology that will impact healthcare delivery in Africa. The Consortium for Advancement of MRI Education and Research in Africa (CAMERA), which is a consortium of African MRI experts, will establish a training and mentorship programme in African countries through this grant to ensure sustainable and impactful capacity building for MRI technology.
Godwin graduated MBBS from the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan in 1998 and underwent residency training in Radiology at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan completing his studies in 2005. He embarked on further studies in Epidemiology, Radiation Physics and Clinical investigation at the University of Ibadan and the Northwestern University, USA. https://african-cschd.org/index.php/our-members/our-team-biosketch/keenteam/28
Dr.Ogbole’s research work had focused on the use of local and emerging modalities for imaging with CT and MRI in resourced constrained settings and imaging presentation in stroke patients in Nigeria.
The photograph below shows the CAMERA team’s visit to the CEO of Access to Basic Care (ABC), the only facility with a 1.5T MRI in Ibadan in January 2020.

On behalf of the Staff, Students and Alumni of CoMUI, I congratulate Dr. Ogbole and the entire team and look forward to the improvements in MRI technology in Nigeria and the African continent at large.